Registration Questionnaires

It is our goal at Synergy to provide you with the service that will help you and your dog be successful in getting the help you need. To make sure that the class you’ve picked is a good fit for your dog’s behavioral needs, we ask several questions during the class registration process. Our class instructors then review the information to verify your dog’s suitability for class. Unless we contact you to recommend one of our other services to help you and your dog succeed, you may assume that you have been approved for class.

Refund or Transfer of Class Fee if Alternative Recommended

Should it turn out that your dog is not suitable for class, we will contact you to let you know if another one of our services might be more appropriate. At that point, we will be happy to apply the class tuition towards the recommended service. Alternatively, you can request a refund of the class fee.

Training Equipment for Class

We do not use physical or verbal corrections in our classes. This is because suppressing a problem behavior does not address the underlying cause, and may ultimately make the behavior worse. Not to mention it can be very stressful for your dog. The type of equipment required for class varies, but generally speaking:

  • Reactive Rover Foundation classes: front-clip harnesses or head halters are required
  • Other classes: Equipment requirements will vary but in general head halters, front-clip harnesses, regular harnesses are accepted. Please contact us if you have any questions.

The First Day of Class

For Reactive Rover: Foundations and Human Directed Reactivity classes, the first week is without dogs, only people attend.

Nose Work classes dogs attend all classes.

For all other classes please check the class description. If you have any questions regarding if your dog should or shouldn’t attend the first week, please contact us.

Missed Classes, Refunds and Transfers

Our classes are popular and spots are limited. Your payment reserves your spot in class. We can only offer a refund or transfer if we receive a request in writing at least seven (7) days before the first day of class. Please understand that a refund will not be given if you do not notify us at least seven (7) days in advance of the class start date or if you do not attend class, regardless of your class registration date. If you request to transfer to an alternate class session at least seven (7) days from the start date, you will be allowed to transfer your registration one time only. If your request to transfer takes place less than seven (7) days before the start date, completing the transfer will be subject to a $20 admin fee.

Because the material taught in the classes build upon prior classes, you and your dog will make the best progress if you are able to attend all of the classes. We are unable to offer refunds or credits for missed classes. If you miss a class, you can review any written materials that are sent out to the class. It is also possible to schedule (and pre-pay) for a half-hour private consultation ($50) with the instructor to cover the materials from the missed class. Please contact us should this need arise.

Class Vaccinations

We require that parents of dogs attending Synergy classes provide records that their Rabies vaccinations up to date. We also require that dogs be either vaccinated or titered for Distemper and Parvovirus, titers need to be within the last three years.

Health Issues, Heat and Spay/Neuter Status

Please note that there are no refunds, credits or free make-up classes for any of the classes we offer under any circumstances If your dog is sick they should not be brought to class and the class (or classes) you miss will be forfeited. It is, however, possible to attend class without your dog as an observer, which can be very helpful. Intact dogs are welcome to attend Synergy classes. If your female comes into season, please contact us as soon as possible. It varies from class to class if your dog is allowed to attend while in season. If it is determined that your dog cannot attend class while they are in season the class (or classes) you miss will be forfeited.