
Hesitant Hounds
Attendees: Limited to 5 dogs
Length: 6 weekly sessions
Time: 40 min. per class
Tuition: $195 (per 6-week class)
Prereqs:  Prescreen via registration
Special Notes:
This class is for shy but not overly
reactive dogs.

Do you have a shy, timid or wallflower of a dog? Then come join us in Hesitant Hounds for help!

In Hesitant Hounds class we will share with you a number of skills to help your wallflower blossom.

Each week class be divided between relaxation work, skill building and confidence building exercises. Relaxation skills are to help our teach your nervous dog learn to be a bit more zen about life. In the skill section we will work on behaviors that you can use as a team to navigate the “scary” world more safely. Then, in the confidence building exercises we will help teach your dog how being brave, on their own, can be fun.

Come and join our six (6) week class to help your Hesitant Hound be more confident and comfortable.

For full information about our pre-screening process and class policies, please visit our class policy page. For commonly questions we are asked about class, visit our class FAQs page.


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