Open House 2017

Open House 2017

Come, Stay, Learn! Synergy’s Education Open House 2017 July 25, 2017 2127 NW York St., Portland, OR The Open House Schedule is official! Come when you can! We look forward to seeing you. (Oregon Veterinary CEUs: 0.5 per lecture and 0.25 per demo) 1-1:15pm:...
“Fine” is a Four-Letter Word

“Fine” is a Four-Letter Word

Have you ever looked at your dog and thought that she looks “fine”? Have you described your own or another person’s pet as “fine” when you describe them to your friends? Beware, the word “fine” is often not so fine! What is “fine”? One of the most common statements...
A Note from Dr. Valli – Synergy Snapshot

A Note from Dr. Valli – Synergy Snapshot

Happy New Year everyone! As customary this time of the year, new resolutions are made. As such, we have made a resolution to kick off the new year with a renewed vigor by writing new articles about animal behavior, and behavior-related topics, for all of you to read...
Say What?  Bunting

Say What? Bunting

Bunting, head-butting or face-rubbing, is something anyone who has been around cats will recognize. Cats will rub against inanimate objects, as well as people or other animals that they feel comfortable with.  The term “allorubbing” is also used when...
Why does my pet do that?

Why does my pet do that?

Have you ever wondered how your dog or cat figures out how to do what? It is because of two types of learning that they are especially good at: associative learning, and learning by consequence. When working with companion animals, regardless of whether you are...